
« Root » individual
from which the branches of direct ancestry
and descendants are defined
and the generation differences are calculated.
The generation of the « root » individual
is generation 0.

« Root » marriage
from which the branches
of direct ancestry
and descendants are defined
and the generation differences are calculated.
The generation of the spouses
of the « root » marriage is generation 0.

Female individual

Male individual

Individual and marriage
in a direct ascending

or descending line
with the root.

Individual and marriage
of a collateral branch
i.e. not in a direct ascending
or descending line with the root.
May content info like first names, surname
and title as well as
year of birth (prefixed by « o »)
and year of death (prefixed by « + »)
(or year of wedding for marriage)

« Spouse » link
in a direct ascending

or descending line
with the root.

« Spouse » link
of a collateral branch,

i.e. not in a direct ascending
or descending line with
the root.

« Child » link
in a direct ascending
or descending line
with the root.

« Child » link of a collateral branch,
i.e. not in a direct ascending
or descending line with the root.

Link between spouses

Link between two occurrences
of the same individual
in the tree.
This type of link makes it possible
to legibly represent branches
that are linked several times by marriages
(« cycles » in the family tree).

Right-hand small circle:
Generation difference with the root.
If the individual is one of the generations
above the root: triangle prefix points upwards;
if below: triangle prefix pointing down.
When the individual is of the same generation as the root,
the small circle contains two triangles
« left and right » (<>).
Here, the individual presented
is part of the generation just below the root (-1).

Level lines
parting generations

Small cirles on the left.
These circles are only
for individuals outside
the direct ancestry or descendants
lines of the root (collateral).

Together a set of information
describing the degree of kinship
between the individual and the root.

The degree is calculated
by adding the 3 values:
here, the individual is a cousin
to the 4th (= 1 + 2 + 1) degree
of the root.
See details below.

Small cirle at the top of the left circles:
Generation difference between
the point (i.e. marriage) of attachment
of the collateral branch
of the individual and the root.
If the marriage of attachment is
a generation above the root’s:
triangle prefix upwards,
otherwise triangle prefix downwards
(or triangles left-right <> if same generation).
Here, the branch of the individual
is attached to a marriage
one generation above the root (^1).

Small circle in the middle of the left circles:
Distance between the individual
and the point of attachment
to the direct ascending/descendant line
of the root.
Here, the individual is 2 degrees
away from the point of attachment:
he is a grandchild of the marriage of attachment.

Small circle a the bottom of the left circles
(where a number is preceded by a star):

Number of marriages between
the individual and
the point of attachment.
Here, 1 marriage: the individual is the husband
or the wife of a grandchild
of the « direct » marriage to which it is attached.